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This program is designated for demonstration and testing of the base functions from 64bit Linux Application Programming Interface macrolibrary linapi.htm : LinABI, GetArgCount, GetArg, StdInput, StdOutput, TerminateProgram.

This version of EuroAssembler does not directly support Linux ELF executable yet, that is why it uses COFF and an 3rd-party Linux linker ld must be employed here. Tested on 64bit Ubuntu 16.
Linux 64bit
wine euroasm.exe tlinabi.htm ld tlinabi.obj -o tlinabi -e Main
./tlinabi arg1 arg2 ...
See also
        EUROASM CPU=X64
tlinabi PROGRAM Format=COFF, Width=64, Entry=Main:
         INCLUDE linabi.htm, cpuext%^WIDTH.htm
Main:    PROC
         GetArgCount     ; Count the command-line arguments.
         JC .Abort:
         MOV [ArgCount],RCX
         MOV EAX,ECX
         StoD ArgCount$  ; Convert binary number RAX to a decimal string.
         JC .Abort:
         StdOutput =B"%^PROGRAM launched with ", ArgCount$, =B" arguments:", Eol=Yes
         JC .Abort:
         SUB EBX,EBX     ; EBX will be the ordinal number of each argument.
.EchoArg:CMP RBX,[ArgCount]
         JA .EchoInp:    ; Jump when all arguments have been echoed.
         MOV EAX,EBX
         StoD ArgNr$     ; Convert binary number RAX to a decimal string.
         SUB EAX,EAX
         STOSB           ; Zero-terminate the string.
         GetArg RBX      ; Retrieve EBX-th argument to ESI,ECX.
         JC .Abort:
         MOV EAX,ECX     ; Argument size in bytes.
         StoD ArgSize$   ; Convert binary number EAX to a decimal string.
         SUB EAX,EAX
         STOSB           ; Zero-terminate the string.
         StdOutput ArgNr$, =B".[", ArgSize$, =B"]: "
         StdOutput RSI, Size=RCX, Eol=Yes ; Echo the argument.
         JC .Abort:
         INC EBX
         JMP .EchoArg:
.EchoInp:StdOutput =B"Enter some text: "
         StdInput Buffer
         JC .Abort:
         MOV EAX,ECX     ; Text size including CR+LF.
         StoD BufSize$   ; Convert binary number EAX to a decimal string.
         SUB EAX,EAX
         STOSB           ; Zero-terminate the string.
         StdOutput =B"Entered[", BufSize$, =B"]: "
         StdOutput Buffer, Size=RCX, Eol=Yes
         JC .Abort:
         StdOutput =B"%^PROGRAM terminated."
         TerminateProgram Errorlevel=0
.Abort:  StdOutput =B"Aborted, some macro returned CF.",Eol=Yes
         TerminateProgram Errorlevel=4
        ENDP Main:
ArgCount  DQ Q
ArgCount$ DB 6*B
ArgNr$    DB 6*B
ArgSize$  DB 6*B
BufSize$  DB 6*B
Buffer    DB 128*B
      ENDPROGRAM tlinabi

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